beauty picture Three Beauties Kitagawa Utamaro was a famous ukiyo-e (so-called \"floating world\") artist and his Three Beauties is one of his most famous works. .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348\" .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348 There is that ink drawing of a garment with the three circles in \"The Floating World in Japanese Fictions, Howard Hibbert I haven\'t copied yet and while I was searching for breast feeding in my notes I ran across a note on the Thriae [search drafts thriae breast feeding] There are certain holy ones, sisters born -- three virgins (23) gifted with wings: their heads are besprinkled with white meal, and they dwell under a ridge of Parnassus. (23) The Thriae, who practised divination by means of pebbles (also called THRIAE). In this hymn they are represented as aged maidens (ll. 553-4), but are closely associated with bees (ll. 559-563) and possibly are here conceived as having human heads and breasts with the bodies and wings of bees. See the edition of Allen and Sikes, Appendix III. three closets full of nectar and lovely ambrosia. And much gold and silver was stored in them, and many garments of the nymph, .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html\" .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html I just copied it because I was looking for information on ukiyo-e, the floating world, and the threesome caught my eye. I haven\'t found the original painting so I don\'t know anything about this picture. I remember reading something about how the out of date waxed coif of geisha\'s are sometimes worn by modern woman at their weddings. Maybe I\'ll try to find it. If you read the wiki on geisha\'s it sort of implies an evolution from prostitution (mainly male) to entertainment of men by erudite females. There is also an interesting change from legal and institutionalized prostitution to illegal (I think it was made illegal in 1957) but they didn\'t seem to make it immoral I don\'t think it should be legal or illegal it should be immoral. I also sort of dreamed up an evolution from Tantrika to something like temple prostitution. This book shows a drawing of what it calls [[[waxed wig]]] a tea house and names \"maru-ya\", circle house. The front entrance hung with a curtain which has a large circle on it. \"Maru\" is the word for circle as well as for cat. It is used in compound words when the term \"circle\" is needed to fill out the meaning. This is a sentence or two I found in my notes entitled married at last, concerning Joseph Smith\'s world view and temple marriage: Knowledge makes a circle. The power to bind heaven and earth is in the priesthood. The power of the priesthood is in the binding of heaven and earth. The highest expression of the priestley power is in the binding of the marriage covenant. The sphere is perfected when two become one and two become one within the Unitarian rose window when its perfectly placed at the crossraods of the West in the shadow of the everlasting hills. One problem is, I am paraphrasing Joseph Smith (I think) and don\'t know where I got his? thoughts. Maybe someday I\'ll try to look them up. Actually, the term \"everlasting hills\" isn\'t Joseph\'s but that\'s the one that caught my attention. There is a passage in the book which mentions breast feeding:With only a few exceptions, Kiseki\'s Characters---whet mischievous apprentices of lascivious grandfathers, spoiled daughters or their shameless, flamboyant mothers---expose weak, foolish, or wicked conduct. All the usual types of satire are represented: misers, flatterers, drunkards, boors, braggarts, gluttons, lechers. Now and then he allows his fancy to carry him to remarkable lengths (an unweaned girl bringing her nurse along to the bridal chamber), but he often deals with nothing more startling than a mild addiction, or a bit of naivete. It\'s the one that made me go searching for some notes I made on the eroticism (in both senses of the word) of breast feeding and while this passage may refer only to the bride\'s young age, the mention of the bridal chamber and the fact that when weening is delayed to the point of scandal, the rumours and and talk of which, if only by innuendo and suggestion, will often be of an inappropriate sexual relationship between mother and child. My notes on the matter reminded me to find the story of a European royal who nursed until the age of 7 or 8 and who was accompanied to some ritual or ceremony in relationship with his investment by his nurse to whom he had long been able to issue commands at his or her pleasure, I remember that Australian movie in which the two young (I think that\'s under 16 there) lesbians who murdered one or the other of their respective mothers, were sentenced to prison, the term of which to be determined at \"her majesty\'s pleasure\" but I haven\'t been able to find it. At least I don\'t think I have. I had forgotten making the note. I do remember that they killed her by putting a brick in a sock and beating on the head with it. (I made the notes when I was gathering material on breast feeding to put in a letter to Rebecca Welch who was devoting most of her writing at that time to Blue Boutique unguents another thing I was reminded of by the Wayward Wife\'s various indulgences including the use of incense with her husband as in the caption under Bruno Barney\'s excellent photograph of John de Lancie (Where I made a note on today\'s torture which includes Savannah and her boy friend who, I mean Savannah, is a conversation partner of the student age blonde with the Stephen, in droning, manic conversation with her boyfriend. There are also three student age males, two of whom look like that Hispanic male [I just sighed the deep sigh the gargoyle to my left kept mimicking yesterday. I think I have described at least once before how they do that to me.] my niece introduced me to several years ago. I had said, \"Why don\'t you leave the poor man alone.\" into my computer screen as they held a loud conversation but made accidental eye contact with one of them and they had responded by coming in a group to this table and holding a grinning, heh, heh, heh conversation at me during which one of the handsome, \"Hispanic\" boys kept looking around, over and past me. The student age blonde who doesn\'t look like Staci but sort of reminds me of her, the one with the red-headed Stephen whose hair is actually red, is here alone now and she intermittently begins banging her legs together as I have described. I think she also keeps insulting cruelly in her psychic voice, but, of course, I can\'t be sure. I thought that just after the other left, she had reached down and touched her pubic but I can\'t really see. Afterwards she reached up a seemed to pick dry mucus from her nose and brush it from her fingertips toward her keyboard. She just mimed taking something light like a hair from her mouth and then looking me in the face brushed it off her fingertips to one side. I feel that she hates me more than most of the gargoyles. That the way I have always felt about Savannah\'s mother Tiffany who has given me that feeling for years, since long before Savannah was born when others were more or less working a Charlotte\'s Web on me. Her parents always feel like they\'re taunting and laughing at me but her uncle Art feels like he hates me, but that only extends to the last time I saw him. I don\'t know how many times I have heard her tell me through the shadow of her hatred about how she is taking sex education courses at the University of Utah. A student age male arrived who, on first glance, of his profile, I thought he must be a Pasborg [He\'s been over there now for an hour or two. He has been looking steadily into his computer screen for most that time.] but he sat he sat facing me and now I\'m not sure. He looked me in the eye as he sat and affected a sort of concerned look. I think he was taunting me because of the elaborate vignette they put me through a few years ago when the \"security guard\" (The blonde, student age female who doesn\'t look like throat clear Staci acted out started biting her thumb nail with a popping sound. At first I thought she was taunting about what I have written concerning my sister\'s nail biting but it has occurred to me that she is biting her thumb at me whatever that means. When I glanced up at her she looked at me with the same sarcastic look of concern the new gargoyle used.), Beka, chased down and arrested a man who was apparently freaking out, I mean hysterical. throat clear When I decided to go over to the police station to find out about it---they had played it out right in front of me---they introduced me to the man who had kicked me out of the the church library downtown a 4 or 5 years ago(---I just sighed deeply again---cough---) as the chief of police who said they had arrested that individual because he had become hysterical over people talking as he was reading or studying. cough He was filled with human contempt. He kept making psychic additions to what he was saying vocally. He added to above these words, for instance [They\'re assaulting from every side very frequently. They had a Polynesian girl who had been sitting talking to the blonde student age female who doesn\'t actually look like Staci stand and look at me with hate filled eyes as she made a chewing motion or 2. Her look was one I\'m used to getting but I don\'t ever get over the feeling of hurt and insult. It has been such a constant ongoing experience that I have only recently begun to notice it as I move around my life and to admit that it is so. [this is a thought I added in editing There is a gargoyle over there---they are all young males of the same genre, as I think---who keeps punctuating what i write with the tone of one making a challenge. A few minutes ago cough he answered something I had spoken aloud.] that I better watch out because that is what is going to happen to me. He said a lot of things like that as he vocally made false conversation telling me things like he has people follow and harass him when he is driving to and from work, that he can tell who they are and that sometimes he expresses anger at them. It went on for a long time and in his demeanor, he was very frank and obvious about the fact that he was working a black and white vignette on me. (They have now added some male gargoyles who are reading this and punctuating it with coughs. There is another new gargoyle sitting to my left who is chewing gum at me very demonstratively by pushing it out between his lips with his tongue and pulling it back in. When I glance at him he sort of taunts me with what I want to call \"smiling eyes\". One of the coughers just laughed at what I wrote.)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
beauty picture 5978138.4294598 swimsuit calendar
beauty picture 5978138.4294598 swimsuit calendar

beauty picture Three Beauties Kitagawa Utamaro was a famous ukiyo-e (so-called \"floating world\") artist and his Three Beauties is one of his most famous works. .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348\" .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348 There is that ink drawing of a garment with the three circles in \"The Floating World in Japanese Fictions, Howard Hibbert I haven\'t copied yet and while I was searching for breast feeding in my notes I ran across a note on the Thriae [search drafts thriae breast feeding] There are certain holy ones, sisters born -- three virgins (23) gifted with wings: their heads are besprinkled with white meal, and they dwell under a ridge of Parnassus. (23) The Thriae, who practised divination by means of pebbles (also called THRIAE). In this hymn they are represented as aged maidens (ll. 553-4), but are closely associated with bees (ll. 559-563) and possibly are here conceived as having human heads and breasts with the bodies and wings of bees. See the edition of Allen and Sikes, Appendix III. three closets full of nectar and lovely ambrosia. And much gold and silver was stored in them, and many garments of the nymph, .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html\" .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html I just copied it because I was looking for information on ukiyo-e, the floating world, and the threesome caught my eye. I haven\'t found the original painting so I don\'t know anything about this picture. I remember reading something about how the out of date waxed coif of geisha\'s are sometimes worn by modern woman at their weddings. Maybe I\'ll try to find it. If you read the wiki on geisha\'s it sort of implies an evolution from prostitution (mainly male) to entertainment of men by erudite females. There is also an interesting change from legal and institutionalized prostitution to illegal (I think it was made illegal in 1957) but they didn\'t seem to make it immoral I don\'t think it should be legal or illegal it should be immoral. I also sort of dreamed up an evolution from Tantrika to something like temple prostitution. This book shows a drawing of what it calls [[[waxed wig]]] a tea house and names \"maru-ya\", circle house. The front entrance hung with a curtain which has a large circle on it. \"Maru\" is the word for circle as well as for cat. It is used in compound words when the term \"circle\" is needed to fill out the meaning. This is a sentence or two I found in my notes entitled married at last, concerning Joseph Smith\'s world view and temple marriage: Knowledge makes a circle. The power to bind heaven and earth is in the priesthood. The power of the priesthood is in the binding of heaven and earth. The highest expression of the priestley power is in the binding of the marriage covenant. The sphere is perfected when two become one and two become one within the Unitarian rose window when its perfectly placed at the crossraods of the West in the shadow of the everlasting hills. One problem is, I am paraphrasing Joseph Smith (I think) and don\'t know where I got his? thoughts. Maybe someday I\'ll try to look them up. Actually, the term \"everlasting hills\" isn\'t Joseph\'s but that\'s the one that caught my attention. There is a passage in the book which mentions breast feeding:With only a few exceptions, Kiseki\'s Characters---whet mischievous apprentices of lascivious grandfathers, spoiled daughters or their shameless, flamboyant mothers---expose weak, foolish, or wicked conduct. All the usual types of satire are represented: misers, flatterers, drunkards, boors, braggarts, gluttons, lechers. Now and then he allows his fancy to carry him to remarkable lengths (an unweaned girl bringing her nurse along to the bridal chamber), but he often deals with nothing more startling than a mild addiction, or a bit of naivete. It\'s the one that made me go searching for some notes I made on the eroticism (in both senses of the word) of breast feeding and while this passage may refer only to the bride\'s young age, the mention of the bridal chamber and the fact that when weening is delayed to the point of scandal, the rumours and and talk of which, if only by innuendo and suggestion, will often be of an inappropriate sexual relationship between mother and child. My notes on the matter reminded me to find the story of a European royal who nursed until the age of 7 or 8 and who was accompanied to some ritual or ceremony in relationship with his investment by his nurse to whom he had long been able to issue commands at his or her pleasure, I remember that Australian movie in which the two young (I think that\'s under 16 there) lesbians who murdered one or the other of their respective mothers, were sentenced to prison, the term of which to be determined at \"her majesty\'s pleasure\" but I haven\'t been able to find it. At least I don\'t think I have. I had forgotten making the note. I do remember that they killed her by putting a brick in a sock and beating on the head with it. (I made the notes when I was gathering material on breast feeding to put in a letter to Rebecca Welch who was devoting most of her writing at that time to Blue Boutique unguents another thing I was reminded of by the Wayward Wife\'s various indulgences including the use of incense with her husband as in the caption under Bruno Barney\'s excellent photograph of John de Lancie (Where I made a note on today\'s torture which includes Savannah and her boy friend who, I mean Savannah, is a conversation partner of the student age blonde with the Stephen, in droning, manic conversation with her boyfriend. There are also three student age males, two of whom look like that Hispanic male [I just sighed the deep sigh the gargoyle to my left kept mimicking yesterday. I think I have described at least once before how they do that to me.] my niece introduced me to several years ago. I had said, \"Why don\'t you leave the poor man alone.\" into my computer screen as they held a loud conversation but made accidental eye contact with one of them and they had responded by coming in a group to this table and holding a grinning, heh, heh, heh conversation at me during which one of the handsome, \"Hispanic\" boys kept looking around, over and past me. The student age blonde who doesn\'t look like Staci but sort of reminds me of her, the one with the red-headed Stephen whose hair is actually red, is here alone now and she intermittently begins banging her legs together as I have described. I think she also keeps insulting cruelly in her psychic voice, but, of course, I can\'t be sure. I thought that just after the other left, she had reached down and touched her pubic but I can\'t really see. Afterwards she reached up a seemed to pick dry mucus from her nose and brush it from her fingertips toward her keyboard. She just mimed taking something light like a hair from her mouth and then looking me in the face brushed it off her fingertips to one side. I feel that she hates me more than most of the gargoyles. That the way I have always felt about Savannah\'s mother Tiffany who has given me that feeling for years, since long before Savannah was born when others were more or less working a Charlotte\'s Web on me. Her parents always feel like they\'re taunting and laughing at me but her uncle Art feels like he hates me, but that only extends to the last time I saw him. I don\'t know how many times I have heard her tell me through the shadow of her hatred about how she is taking sex education courses at the University of Utah. A student age male arrived who, on first glance, of his profile, I thought he must be a Pasborg [He\'s been over there now for an hour or two. He has been looking steadily into his computer screen for most that time.] but he sat he sat facing me and now I\'m not sure. He looked me in the eye as he sat and affected a sort of concerned look. I think he was taunting me because of the elaborate vignette they put me through a few years ago when the \"security guard\" (The blonde, student age female who doesn\'t look like throat clear Staci acted out started biting her thumb nail with a popping sound. At first I thought she was taunting about what I have written concerning my sister\'s nail biting but it has occurred to me that she is biting her thumb at me whatever that means. When I glanced up at her she looked at me with the same sarcastic look of concern the new gargoyle used.), Beka, chased down and arrested a man who was apparently freaking out, I mean hysterical. throat clear When I decided to go over to the police station to find out about it---they had played it out right in front of me---they introduced me to the man who had kicked me out of the the church library downtown a 4 or 5 years ago(---I just sighed deeply again---cough---) as the chief of police who said they had arrested that individual because he had become hysterical over people talking as he was reading or studying. cough He was filled with human contempt. He kept making psychic additions to what he was saying vocally. He added to above these words, for instance [They\'re assaulting from every side very frequently. They had a Polynesian girl who had been sitting talking to the blonde student age female who doesn\'t actually look like Staci stand and look at me with hate filled eyes as she made a chewing motion or 2. Her look was one I\'m used to getting but I don\'t ever get over the feeling of hurt and insult. It has been such a constant ongoing experience that I have only recently begun to notice it as I move around my life and to admit that it is so. [this is a thought I added in editing There is a gargoyle over there---they are all young males of the same genre, as I think---who keeps punctuating what i write with the tone of one making a challenge. A few minutes ago cough he answered something I had spoken aloud.] that I better watch out because that is what is going to happen to me. He said a lot of things like that as he vocally made false conversation telling me things like he has people follow and harass him when he is driving to and from work, that he can tell who they are and that sometimes he expresses anger at them. It went on for a long time and in his demeanor, he was very frank and obvious about the fact that he was working a black and white vignette on me. (They have now added some male gargoyles who are reading this and punctuating it with coughs. There is another new gargoyle sitting to my left who is chewing gum at me very demonstratively by pushing it out between his lips with his tongue and pulling it back in. When I glance at him he sort of taunts me with what I want to call \"smiling eyes\". One of the coughers just laughed at what I wrote.)
beauty picture Three Beauties Kitagawa Utamaro was a famous ukiyo-e (so-called \"floating world\") artist and his Three Beauties is one of his most famous works. .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348\" .cafepress/kanjigear/4238348 There is that ink drawing of a garment with the three circles in \"The Floating World in Japanese Fictions, Howard Hibbert I haven\'t copied yet and while I was searching for breast feeding in my notes I ran across a note on the Thriae [search drafts thriae breast feeding] There are certain holy ones, sisters born -- three virgins (23) gifted with wings: their heads are besprinkled with white meal, and they dwell under a ridge of Parnassus. (23) The Thriae, who practised divination by means of pebbles (also called THRIAE). In this hymn they are represented as aged maidens (ll. 553-4), but are closely associated with bees (ll. 559-563) and possibly are here conceived as having human heads and breasts with the bodies and wings of bees. See the edition of Allen and Sikes, Appendix III. three closets full of nectar and lovely ambrosia. And much gold and silver was stored in them, and many garments of the nymph, .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html\" .piney/ClassHomHymHermes.html I just copied it because I was looking for information on ukiyo-e, the floating world, and the threesome caught my eye. I haven\'t found the original painting so I don\'t know anything about this picture. I remember reading something about how the out of date waxed coif of geisha\'s are sometimes worn by modern woman at their weddings. Maybe I\'ll try to find it. If you read the wiki on geisha\'s it sort of implies an evolution from prostitution (mainly male) to entertainment of men by erudite females. There is also an interesting change from legal and institutionalized prostitution to illegal (I think it was made illegal in 1957) but they didn\'t seem to make it immoral I don\'t think it should be legal or illegal it should be immoral. I also sort of dreamed up an evolution from Tantrika to something like temple prostitution. This book shows a drawing of what it calls [[[waxed wig]]] a tea house and names \"maru-ya\", circle house. The front entrance hung with a curtain which has a large circle on it. \"Maru\" is the word for circle as well as for cat. It is used in compound words when the term \"circle\" is needed to fill out the meaning. This is a sentence or two I found in my notes entitled married at last, concerning Joseph Smith\'s world view and temple marriage: Knowledge makes a circle. The power to bind heaven and earth is in the priesthood. The power of the priesthood is in the binding of heaven and earth. The highest expression of the priestley power is in the binding of the marriage covenant. The sphere is perfected when two become one and two become one within the Unitarian rose window when its perfectly placed at the crossraods of the West in the shadow of the everlasting hills. One problem is, I am paraphrasing Joseph Smith (I think) and don\'t know where I got his? thoughts. Maybe someday I\'ll try to look them up. Actually, the term \"everlasting hills\" isn\'t Joseph\'s but that\'s the one that caught my attention. There is a passage in the book which mentions breast feeding:With only a few exceptions, Kiseki\'s Characters---whet mischievous apprentices of lascivious grandfathers, spoiled daughters or their shameless, flamboyant mothers---expose weak, foolish, or wicked conduct. All the usual types of satire are represented: misers, flatterers, drunkards, boors, braggarts, gluttons, lechers. Now and then he allows his fancy to carry him to remarkable lengths (an unweaned girl bringing her nurse along to the bridal chamber), but he often deals with nothing more startling than a mild addiction, or a bit of naivete. It\'s the one that made me go searching for some notes I made on the eroticism (in both senses of the word) of breast feeding and while this passage may refer only to the bride\'s young age, the mention of the bridal chamber and the fact that when weening is delayed to the point of scandal, the rumours and and talk of which, if only by innuendo and suggestion, will often be of an inappropriate sexual relationship between mother and child. My notes on the matter reminded me to find the story of a European royal who nursed until the age of 7 or 8 and who was accompanied to some ritual or ceremony in relationship with his investment by his nurse to whom he had long been able to issue commands at his or her pleasure, I remember that Australian movie in which the two young (I think that\'s under 16 there) lesbians who murdered one or the other of their respective mothers, were sentenced to prison, the term of which to be determined at \"her majesty\'s pleasure\" but I haven\'t been able to find it. At least I don\'t think I have. I had forgotten making the note. I do remember that they killed her by putting a brick in a sock and beating on the head with it. (I made the notes when I was gathering material on breast feeding to put in a letter to Rebecca Welch who was devoting most of her writing at that time to Blue Boutique unguents another thing I was reminded of by the Wayward Wife\'s various indulgences including the use of incense with her husband as in the caption under Bruno Barney\'s excellent photograph of John de Lancie (Where I made a note on today\'s torture which includes Savannah and her boy friend who, I mean Savannah, is a conversation partner of the student age blonde with the Stephen, in droning, manic conversation with her boyfriend. There are also three student age males, two of whom look like that Hispanic male [I just sighed the deep sigh the gargoyle to my left kept mimicking yesterday. I think I have described at least once before how they do that to me.] my niece introduced me to several years ago. I had said, \"Why don\'t you leave the poor man alone.\" into my computer screen as they held a loud conversation but made accidental eye contact with one of them and they had responded by coming in a group to this table and holding a grinning, heh, heh, heh conversation at me during which one of the handsome, \"Hispanic\" boys kept looking around, over and past me. The student age blonde who doesn\'t look like Staci but sort of reminds me of her, the one with the red-headed Stephen whose hair is actually red, is here alone now and she intermittently begins banging her legs together as I have described. I think she also keeps insulting cruelly in her psychic voice, but, of course, I can\'t be sure. I thought that just after the other left, she had reached down and touched her pubic but I can\'t really see. Afterwards she reached up a seemed to pick dry mucus from her nose and brush it from her fingertips toward her keyboard. She just mimed taking something light like a hair from her mouth and then looking me in the face brushed it off her fingertips to one side. I feel that she hates me more than most of the gargoyles. That the way I have always felt about Savannah\'s mother Tiffany who has given me that feeling for years, since long before Savannah was born when others were more or less working a Charlotte\'s Web on me. Her parents always feel like they\'re taunting and laughing at me but her uncle Art feels like he hates me, but that only extends to the last time I saw him. I don\'t know how many times I have heard her tell me through the shadow of her hatred about how she is taking sex education courses at the University of Utah. A student age male arrived who, on first glance, of his profile, I thought he must be a Pasborg [He\'s been over there now for an hour or two. He has been looking steadily into his computer screen for most that time.] but he sat he sat facing me and now I\'m not sure. He looked me in the eye as he sat and affected a sort of concerned look. I think he was taunting me because of the elaborate vignette they put me through a few years ago when the \"security guard\" (The blonde, student age female who doesn\'t look like throat clear Staci acted out started biting her thumb nail with a popping sound. At first I thought she was taunting about what I have written concerning my sister\'s nail biting but it has occurred to me that she is biting her thumb at me whatever that means. When I glanced up at her she looked at me with the same sarcastic look of concern the new gargoyle used.), Beka, chased down and arrested a man who was apparently freaking out, I mean hysterical. throat clear When I decided to go over to the police station to find out about it---they had played it out right in front of me---they introduced me to the man who had kicked me out of the the church library downtown a 4 or 5 years ago(---I just sighed deeply again---cough---) as the chief of police who said they had arrested that individual because he had become hysterical over people talking as he was reading or studying. cough He was filled with human contempt. He kept making psychic additions to what he was saying vocally. He added to above these words, for instance [They\'re assaulting from every side very frequently. They had a Polynesian girl who had been sitting talking to the blonde student age female who doesn\'t actually look like Staci stand and look at me with hate filled eyes as she made a chewing motion or 2. Her look was one I\'m used to getting but I don\'t ever get over the feeling of hurt and insult. It has been such a constant ongoing experience that I have only recently begun to notice it as I move around my life and to admit that it is so. [this is a thought I added in editing There is a gargoyle over there---they are all young males of the same genre, as I think---who keeps punctuating what i write with the tone of one making a challenge. A few minutes ago cough he answered something I had spoken aloud.] that I better watch out because that is what is going to happen to me. He said a lot of things like that as he vocally made false conversation telling me things like he has people follow and harass him when he is driving to and from work, that he can tell who they are and that sometimes he expresses anger at them. It went on for a long time and in his demeanor, he was very frank and obvious about the fact that he was working a black and white vignette on me. (They have now added some male gargoyles who are reading this and punctuating it with coughs. There is another new gargoyle sitting to my left who is chewing gum at me very demonstratively by pushing it out between his lips with his tongue and pulling it back in. When I glance at him he sort of taunts me with what I want to call \"smiling eyes\". One of the coughers just laughed at what I wrote.)